I Don’t Think So
“The coronavirus panic is dumb.” Elon Musk, March 6, 2020 This statement was made by the man who today is believed to be the richest man in the world. Elon is reportedly worth more than four-hundred billion...
They Never Learn
I’d like to tell you that everything is going to be okay. “Everything is going to be okay.” Gosh, that was pretty easy to do. Do you feel better now? What’s that? You’re not convinced? Hey, just stop watching MSNBC and CNN. Don’t watch NBC, CBS, ABC, or...
Safe? Nobody Thinks So.
The race appears to be neck and neck. Nearly half of us have polled in favor of one candidate, the Vice-President. Nearly the other half admits to favoring the other guy, the ex-President. Hard to believe that anyone is really undecided, but I guess a few votes are...
Something Strange
Something strange has been happening. Perhaps it is the consequence of too much information? All those stories ricocheting here and there, willy-nilly, they spawn a numbness in our brains? Pretty soon, you get to the point where you are prepared to believe...
Remedy for Heart Breaking News?
Does the news break your heart about every other day? Okay, okay…it’s every day. Golly, it’s getting to the point of being no fun at all. No wonder fake news has become so popular! Why watch real news? It can really get you down. Look hard enough, however, and...
Davy Crockett Meet Elon Musk
Davy Crocket: "Some people were born in Texas. Others came as soon as they could." I believe Davy Crockett is still considered a hero in the lone star state. I have friends who live in Texas. I’ll call them María and Mortimer (not their real names). I'll have to ask...
Science Breakthrough!
This development did not happen a moment too soon. In fact, I’ll be darned if I can figure out why it did not happen a lot sooner than it did. And why did it take science to figure it out? If somebody had done their homework a little over three years ago, it...
The Thing I Am Thankful for this Christmas
This time of year, it is customary to reflect on the things in our lives for which we should be truly thankful. During the holidays, we are reminded in song, family, and friendship to count our blessings. While it is true that we all have difficult times to...
Tippecanoe and LGBTQ
Growing up in a liberal democracy in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s had its good and bad points. I suppose it’s never very easy to grow up, to figure out who or what you are supposed to be, but that was my time to do it. Even a liberal democracy can’t help you there. ...
Plastic In The News
"Plastic" was the word whispered in the ear of Benjamin Braddock in the 1967 film The Graduate. Back then it was something to invest your career in. Today we are all drowning in it. Going on right now in Paris: UNESCO is conducting negotiations...